ד"ר ניקי מוהאן
שותפה מנהלת, InfoSavvy Group (Canada) מנכ"לית ושותפה מייסדת, SpringBoard21 (USA)
Dr. Nicky Mohan is a global citizen by choice. Born and raised in South Africa, she now shares her time between New Zealand and Canada. Nicky has been a classroom teacher, a school administrator, a university leader, a business sector manager, a corporate trainer, an international speaker, and a global consultant and acknowledged expert in the field of instructional design. Dr. Mohan also worked as the Director of Curriculum for the 21st Century Fluency Group (Canada). She is currently the Managing Partner of the InfoSavvy Group (Canada), and Director and co-founder of SpringBoard21 (USA), international educational consulting firms. Nicky has co-written five books including the award-winning Reinventing Learning for the Always-on Generation; and the bestseller LeaderShift2020: Renewing Our Schools For Modern Times. She was chosen as a member of the Teacher Task Force - UNESCO core working group on ‘The Role of AI in Education’. To contact her and get to know more about her work and her team, follow @nickymohan on Twitter, visit their websites - https://infosavvy21.com/ and
https://www.springboard21.com/ and subscribe to their YouTube channel
הרצאות מפי ד"ר ניקי מוהאן:
{:one=>"אירוע", :other=>"פורומים"} Edutech 2022, חמישי, 3 במרץ 2022, 13:15
דוברים נוספים באירוע Edutech 2022
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